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Regulament intern News Reporter

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1Regulament intern News Reporter Empty Regulament intern News Reporter Lun Ian 29, 2018 7:13 pm


Fondator RPG

Cu ce se ocupa News Reporters?
- News Reporters se ocupa cu acordarea mai multor anunturi (anunturile roleplay, gratuite si de promovare) si cu interviuri.anunturile roleplay: sunt acele anunturi care informeaza jucatorii despre intamplarile legate de joc.

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Anunturile roleplay: sunt acele anunturi care informeaza jucatorii despre intamplarile legate de joc.
Anunturile gratuite: sunt acele anunturi ce sunt date in intervalul x:50 - x:59, anunturile sunt date de reporterii ce participa la sesiune.
Anunturile de promovare: sunt acele anunturi ce informeaza jucatorii despre promovarea in rank (mai mare de 3) a unui jucator intr-o factiune, promovarea la o functie pe server etc.

Reguli generale
- membrii factiunii trebuie sa respecte regulamentul general al serverului. incalcarea unei reguli din regulamentul serverului poate fi sanctionata cu FW/uninvite, pe langa sanctiunile prevazute de regulamentul serverului.
- limbajul vulgar / insultele se sanctioneaza cu avertisment verbal (AV), faction warn (FW), sau uninvite, in functie de situatie.

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- pentru limbaj vulgar / insulte la adresa altor jucatori, membrii risca FW sau uninvite.
- pentru comportament agresiv, cum ar fi "mars ma", membrii risca avertisment verbal / FW, in functie de gravitate.
- injuriile si jignirile grave se sanctioneaza cu FW. Injuriile grave repetate sunt sanctionate direct cu uninvite.
- jignirile usoare ('n00b-ul drq', 'mars', 'esti prost/destept/fraier') se vor sanctiona cu AV sau FW, in functie de gravitate.
- limbajul vulgar asupra liderului si a membrilor se sanctioneaza aspru, in functie de decizia luata de lider.

- spam-ul pe chatul /f este sanctionat in functie de gravitate, cu AV, FW sau uninvite.
- trebuie sa respectati liderul & subliderul, si sa faceti ce vi se spune, in caz contrar riscati sanctiuni.
- deathmatch-ul (DM) aiurea este sanctionat cu FW sau uninvite, in functie de gravitate si de abateri.
- este interzis sa folositi masinile factiunii in scopuri personale, se sanctioneaza cu FW
- injuriile/jignirile folosind /news se sanctioneaza cu uninvite cu FP, posibil si ban.
Liderul trebuie sa ia decizia cea mai corecta in functie de situatie.

Reguli activitate

- playerii de rank 1 ce nu isi termina raportul de activitate vor primi automat uninvite cu FP, indiferent de motivul pentru care nu si-au terminat raportul de activitate.

- Membrii de rank 2+ vor primi un avertisment la primul raport de activitate incomplet, dar vor trebui sa recupereze punctele de activitate in urmatorul raport.

- Avertismentele expira automat dupa 20 zile. Playerii ce au un avertisment si nu isi termina raportul de activitate vor primi automat uninvite fara FP.

- Nu se mai pot depune cereri de inactivitate, iar playerii ce nu s-au mai logat de 3 zile in factiune nu vor mai primi uninvite de la lideri.

- membrii factiunii sunt obligati sa poarte skin-urile specificate in topicul cu 'skin-uri' din forumul factiunii, daca un player e atentionat ca are un skin gresit si nu doreste sa schimbe skin-ul, acesta poate fi sanctionat cu FW.
- doar fetele pot folosi skin-ul de fata al factiunii.

Reclamatii factiuni
- liderul poate respinge reclamatiile care nu respecta modelul sau contin jigniri, dar playerul care a facut reclamatia are dreptul sa refaca reclamatia. reclamatiile ce contin jigniri vor fi sanctionate cu suspend 1-7 zile pe panel de catre admini.
- subliderul unei factiuni are dreptul de a raspunde la reclamatii, cu acordul liderul, dar in cazul unor greseli in reclamatii, liderul va fi sanctionat, nu subliderul.

Alte reguli
- pentru scrierea gresita a unui nume de jucator se sanctioneaza cu o amenda
- pentru scrierea gresita a unui nume de masina se sanctioneaza cu o amenda
- pentru scrierea gresita a unui numar de telefon intr-un anunt se sanctioneaza o amenda
- pentru scrierea gresita intr-un anunt se sanctioneaza cu o amenda
- pentru scrierea gresita intr-un interviu se sanctioneaza cu o amenda
- pentru omiterea unui semn de punctuatie se sanctioneaza cu o amenda
- pentru anunt aiurea se sanctioneaza cu FW sau demitere (cu FW se sanctioneaza atunci cand: anuntul este total aiurea, de ex: /news am gresit ba, scuze; /news numerele pe /f; iar cu demitere se sanctioneaza atunci cand: este abuz de functie, de ex: /news am valoare ba, sunt mare bastan, rifa da magie; /news cu injurii/jigniri)
- pentru plasarea unui anunt interzis se sanctioneaza cu FW (vinderea vehiculelor rent, vanzare materiale, droguri, inchirieri masini, case, business-uri, targuri etc.)

- nu aveti voie sa folositi emoticoane intr-un anunt/interviu, se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru orice tip de prescurtare intr-un anunt/interviu se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru plasarea unui anunt personal se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru orice tip de anunt in afara de cele gratuite in intervalul x:50 - x:59 se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru orice tip de anunt intr-un interviu se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru orice tip de anunt plasat in intervalul x:00 - x:02 se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru omiterea unui numar de telefon intr-un anunt (in special cele gratuite) se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru nerespectarea rankului superior (lider/colider), ironiile adresate acestora si/sau tupeul fata de acestia se sanctioneaza cu FW sau demitere, in functie de gravitate
- pentru inchiderea telefonului (/turn off) in timpul anunturilor gratuite se sanctioneaza cu FW (regula valabila doar pentru cei ce participa la sesiune)
- pentru nepostarea stopului anunturilor gratuite se sanctioneaza cu FW pentru cel ce organiza sesiunea. Continuarea nu este obligatorie, dar in schimbul in care reporterii nu au anunturi, iar organizatorul nu a dat continuarea, respectivul o sa fie sanctionat cu FW
- pentru postarea stopului anunturilor gratuite dupa payday se sanctioneaza cu FW pentru reporterul ce organiza sesiunea. Daca diferenta dintre Payday si stop este mai mica de 10 secunde se acorda amenda, iar daca dovada adusa de jucator are aceleasi secunde (a fost afk) se sanctioneaza tot cu amenda
- pentru crearea unei reclamatii unui coleg pe panel se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru nerespectarea intervalului de 2 minute intre anunturile roleplay/promovare se sanctioneaza cu amenda (in cazul in care diferenta este de cateva secunde), iar cu FW daca diferenta este mai mare de 30 de secunde
- pentru certuri pe chatul factiunii se sanctioneaza cu FW sau chiar demitere, in functie de gravitate
- pentru anunturi banale / incomplete se sanctioneaza cu avertisment verbal la prima abatere, FW la a 2-a abatere
- pentru acumularea a 2/2 avertismente verbale se sanctioneaza cu FW

- playerii ce nu detin job-ul stabilit de conducerea factiunii pot fi sanctionati cu FW. Aveti voie sa detineti numai joburile legale (joburile ilegale sunt: Arms Dealer, Drugs Dealer, Car Jacker)
- pentru neplata unei amenzi intr-un interval de 24 de ore de la primirea acesteia se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru cererea unei sume mai mari/mai mici decat suma setata in regulament pentru un interviu se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru cererea unei taxe pentru un interviu unui coleg se sanctioneaza cu avertisment verbal, eventual FW
- pentru folosirea caps-lock-ului in exces intr-un anunt/interviu se sanctioneaza cu amenda, eventual FW
- pentru participarea la interviu / anunturi gratuite cu wanted se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru scrierea gresita intr-un interviu (cuvinte gen: test, da etc.) se sanctioneaza cu FW
- nu aveti voie sa dati anunturi ce au legatura cu promovarea factiunilor (gen: X ofera licente, Y este la dispozitia dumneavoastra, puteti folosi [/call taxi] etc.), se sanctioneaza cu FW
- pentru purtarea drogurilor se sanctioneaza cu FW
- la xx:45 se va organiza echipa pentru AG de cel mai mare rank online sau responsabil AG, iar daca sunt doar jucatori de acelasi rank o va organiza cel care are cea mai mare vechime in factiune ce poate avea maxim 4 colegi in sesiune
- un reporter poate acorda un interviu colegului sau doar cu acordul liderului / subliderilor, abaterea de la aceasta regula se sanctioneaza cu FW (in cazul in care nu aveti acordul lor)
- anunturile de promovare (gen: X a fost promovat la functia de helper) se vor pune la raport de la orice rank

Program live:
- in timpul saptamanii, de luni pana vineri, nu se poate acorda live dupa ora 00:00. Se poate acorda /live doar dupa ora 9:00 (dimineata) pana la ora 00:00. Cei care folosesc /live dupa 00:00 si inainte de ora 9:00 vor fi sanctionati cu FW sau chiar uninvite.
- in weekend, sambata si duminica, se poate acorda /live pana la ora 1:00 si dupa ora 9:00. Cei care acorda live dupa ora 1:00 si inainte de ora 9:00 vor fi sanctionati cu FW sau chiar uninvite.

- sunteti obligati sa asteptati minim 5 secunde intr-un live de la raspunsul intervievatului pentru a pune o noua intrebare, asa se evita spam-ul, la 3 greseli intr-un live se sanctioneaza cu avertisment verbal
- pentru spam in AG (dai 5 anunturi in 3 secunde cu ajutorul binderului etc) se sanctioneaza cu avertisment verbal, la urmatoarea abatere FW
- pentru neorganizarea la AG (esti pus sa dai startul / continuarea / stopul) si nu indeplinesti cerintele, se sanctioneaza cu FW
- dovezile de la prezentarea regulilor inainte de un live intervievatului si greselile intervievatului se pastreaza minim 24 de ore, la fel si dovezile pentru testele de intrare in factiune. Lipsa dovezilor cu informatiile si greselile intervievatului este sanctionata cu AV la prima abatere si FW la a 2-a, iar lipsa dovezilor cu testele este sanctionata cu FW / scoaterea functiei de tester

- cand dati un news RP trebuie sa fiti la locul respectiv
- puteti da interviu cu playeri ce detin minim level 2. Reporterii ce dau interviu cu un player de level 1 vor fi sanctionati cu FW
- poate sa fie doar un interviu pe ora ce sa inceapa maxim de la x:10 pentru a avea timp sa fie finalizat inainte de AG pentru sustinerea acestora. Cel ce da al 2-lea interviu intr-o ora este sanctionat cu FW, iar inceperea interviului dupa x:10 este sanctionata cu o amenda
- pentru greseli minore (gen: spatiu aiurea / dublu intr-un anunt / interviu, scrierea unor cuvinte fara rost cu litera mare etc) sunt sanctionate cu o amenda
- pentru anunt RP gresit (dai anunt ca a rasarit soarele la ora 21:00 sau alte anunturi de genul) se sanctioneaza cu AV la prima abatere, FW la a 2-a abatere
- acceptarea intrebarilor din public ce sunt scrise in batjocura / au continut interzis/intim / au multe greseli gramaticale se sanctioneaza cu AV sau FW, in functie de gravitatea greselilor din intrebare

- pot fi alese maxim 7 intrebari din public.

- valoarea amenzilor le veti gasi intr-un topic facut la fiecare factiune in parte numit regulament intern alaturi de alte reguli adaugate de lideri in afara de regulamentul acesta

Responsabilitati reporteri in functie de rank
- rank 1: se ocupa cu anunturile de orice tip, nu poate da interviu
- rank 2: se ocupa cu anunturile de orice tip, poate da interviu cu maxim o persoana
- rank 3: se ocupa cu anunturile de orice tip, poate da interviu cu maxim doua persoane
- rank 4: la fel ca rank 3
- rank 5: se ocupa cu anunturile de orice tip, poate da interviu cu maxim trei persoane


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- /f chatul factiunii
- /news pentru a da un anunt
- /live pentru a incepe un interviu (rank 2+)
- /endlive pentru a opri un interviu (si reporterului trebuie sa i se dea /endlive)
- /startq pentru a porni intrebarile din public
- /stopq pentru a opri intrebarile din public
- /aq [ID] pentru a accepta o intrebare din public
- /gdeposit [money, materials or drugs] [amount] pentru a pune bani, materiale sau droguri in depozitul factiunii
- /heal pentru a lua viata din HQ-ul factiunii
- /question <intrebare> pentru cei ce vor sa trimita o intrebare

English version:

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What News Reporters do?

- News Reporters deals with granting more news (roleplay news, free and promotion news) and with interviews.
roleplay news: those news that informs players about different game related events.
free news: those news that are given between the x:50 - x:59 interval, those news are given by the reporters who are a part of the actual session.
promotion news: those news that informs players about the rank promotion (higher than three) of a player from a faction, promotion to another grade on the server etc.
General Rules
- Faction members has to respect the general rules of the server. Disrespecting the server rules can lead to Faction Warn / Uninvite, besides the punishments provided by the server rules
- Offensive language / insults are punished with verbal warning, faction warn or uninvite, depending on situation

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- for offensive language / cursing against other player, the members risk Faction Warn or uninvite
- for aggressive behaviour like 'get the fuck out here', the members risk verbal warning / faction warn, depending on the severity
- Strong language and serious offenses are punished with Faction Warn. Repeated serious insults are punished directly with uninvite
- light insults like ('n00b', 'gtfo', 'you're idiot') will be punished with AV or FW, depends on the severity
- Bad language againts the leader or the faction members will be rough punished, depending on the decision made by the leader

- spam on /f is punished depending by the severity, with AV, FW or uninvite
- you have to respect the leader & co-leader and to do what they're saying. Otherwise, you risk to get punished
- deathmatch(DM) is punished with FW or uninvite, depending on the severity and previous violations of this rule
- it's forbidden to use the faction cars for your own purposes
- offensive language/insults using /news are punished with uninvite with FP. Sometimes it can lead to a ban too.
The leader has to take the most correct decision depending on the situation.

Activity rules
- the members who won't log-in on the server for 3 days & banned will get uninvite
- not showing up at a meeting without posting a request is punished with FW.
- it can be given only one FW for not showing up at faction activities in one day (eg: if a player is missing from all the wars and the meeting that are in the same day, he'll get only one FW)
- players who doesn't have the established job by the faction leadership can be punished with FW
- players who are members of the faction for more than 7 days and doesn't post the activity report will get uninvite

- faction members has to wear the skins specified in the 'skins' topic from the faction forum. if a player is warned that he has a wrong skin and doesn't want to change his skin, he can be punished with FW.
- only girls can wear the girls skin

Faction complaints
- the leader can reject the complaints who disrespect the model or contain insults, but the player who made the complaint has the right to remake the complaint. the complaints who contain insults will be punished with suspend on panel
- the coleader has the right to answer the complaints, with the leader's agreement, but if he makes a mistake, the leader will be punished, not the coleader

Other rules
- incorrect writing of a player name is punished with a fine.
- incorrect writing of a vehicle name is punished with a fine.
- incorrect writing of a player's phone number in a news is punished with a fine.
- incorrect writing in a news is punished with a fine.
- incorrect writing during an interview is punished with a fine.
- omitting a punctation mark is punished with a fine.
- placing a news without a proper reason is punished with FW or uninvite (with FW is punished when: the news is totally foolish, eg: /news ops i missed, sorry; /news numbers on /f; is punished with uninvite when: it's an abuse of their position, eg: /news i'm so good, rifa is so good; /news with insults)
- placing an illegal news is punished with FW (selling rent vehicles, selling materials, drugs, renting vehicles, houses, businesses, markets, etc.)
- for any type of abbreviation in a news/interview you'll be punished with FW
- placing a personal news is punished with FW
- placing any news other than the free ones in x:50 - x:59 interval is punished with FW
- placing a news during an interview is punished with FW
- placing any news during the x:00 - x:02 interval is punished with FW
- omitting a phone number in a news (especially those free) is punished with FW
- disrespecting a superior rank (leader/coleader), ironies adressed to them are punished with FW or uninvite, depending on the gravity of the situation.
- turning off your phone (/turn off) during free news session is punished with FW (this rule is valid only for those who are part of that session)
- not posting the free news stop is punished with FW for the member who organised the session. The continue news is not mandatory, but if the reporters doesn't have news and the organiser didn't post the continuation news, the organiser will be punished with FW
- posting the free news stop after the payday is punished with FW for the reporter who organised the session. If the difference between the payday and the stop is lesser than 10 seconds, a fine will be given, also if the proof given by the player has the same seconds (that player was AFK) is also punished with a fine
- making a complaint against a colleague on panel is punished with FW
- disrespecting the 2 minutes interval between the roleplay news/promotion news is punished with fine (when it's a few seconds difference), and with FW is it's a difference bigger than 30 seconds
- fights on faction chat are punished with FW or even uninvite, depending on the gravity
- banal / incomplete news are punished with verbal warning the first time and FW for the second time
- accumulation of 2 verbal warnings is punished with FW
- not paying a fine in a 24 hours interval from the time you've received it is punished with FW
- requesting a bigger/lesser sum than the sum set in the rules for an interview is punished with FW
- requesting a tax for a colleague's interview is punished with verbal warning, eventually FW
- using caps-lock excessively in a news/interview is punished with a fine, eventually FW
- participating at interviews / free news with wanted is punished with FW
- mispellings in an interview (words like: test, da etc) are punished with FW.
- you're not allowed to give news who are having connection with promoting factions (like: x offers licenses, y is at your disposal, you can use [/service taxi] etc.), it's punished with FW
- drugs posession is punished with FW
- the higher rank online before the AG can designate someone to organise AG (General News), if there are more players with the same rank, the oldest or the one who the majority agreed can organise AG.
- a reporter can give an interview to a colleague only with the leader / subleader agreement, disrespecting of this rule is punished with FW (if you don't have their agreement)
- promotion news (like: x has been promoted to helper) will be put in the activity report from any rank

Live rules:

- During the week (monday to friday), you can't give lives after 00:00. You can give live only after 09:00 (morning) till 00:00. Those who use /live after 00:00 and before 09:00 will be punished with FW or uninvite.

- In the weekend, saturday and sunday, you can give /live till 01:00 and after 09:00. If you don't respect this, it is punished with FW or even uninvite.
- you're forced to wait minimum 5 seconds in a live from the response of the interviewed player to ask a new question, that's how we avoid spam, at 3 mistakes in a live you're punished with a verbal warning
- for AG spam (5 news in 3 seconds with binds etc) you're punished with verbal warning, next time with FW
- for not organising an AG (if you're the one who's been in charge of doing the start / continue / stop) you're punished with FW
- proofs of presenting the rules before the live and the interviewed player mistakes are to be kept minimum 24 hours, as well as the proofs with the entrance tests. Lack of evidence with informations and the mistakes of the interviewed players are punished with AV for the first time and FW for the second, lacking evidence of the entrance tests is punished with FW / removing the tester grade
- when you're giving a RP news you have to be in the concerned place
- those who accept a news package / interview request of a player from the blacklist will be punished with verbal warning the first time, FW the second
- you can interview players with minimum level 2. Reporters who interview a level 1 player will be punished with FW
- it can be only an interview per hour who can begin at maximum x:10 for there to be time to be finished before de AG. The one who makes the second interview in the same hour is punished with FW, begining an interview after x:10 is punished with a fine
- for minor mistakes (like: silly space / double space in a news / interview, writing some words with uppercase etc) are punished with a fine
- for a wrong RP news (news that the sun has risen at 21:00 or other news like that) are punished with AV the first time, FW the second time
- accepting questions from the public who are written in mockery / have forbidden content/intimate/has many gramatical mistakes are punished with AV or FW, depending on the gravity of the questions mistakes

- there can be chosen within 7 questions from the audience.
- you'll found the fine prices in a topic made at every faction category named 'intern rules (regulament intern)' near other rules added by the leaders, excepting those rules

Reporters responsabilities depending by the rank
- rank 1: deals with any news type, can't take an interview
- rank 2: deals with any news type, can take an interview with maximum a person
- rank 3: deals with any news type, can take an interview with maximum 2 persons
- rank 4: as same as rank 3
- rank 5:deals with any news type, can take an interview with maximum 3 persons


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- /f faction chat
- /news to place a news
- /live to start an interview (rank 2+)
- /endlive to stop an interview (even the reporter needs to use /endlive on him)
- /startq to start the questions from the public
- /stopq to stop the questions from the public
- /aq [ID] to accept a question from the public
- /gdeposit [money, materials or drugs] [amount] for depositing money, materials or drugs in the faction deposit
- /heal to take heal from the faction HQ
- /question <question> for those who want to ask the interviewed player a question

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